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영어동요 & 가사 - First day of school

by Brilliant Kids 2019. 2. 26.

참조 : 유투브 https://youtu.be/E2v6ofSmfW4

노래 리스트>> 
1. First day of School 

Today is the day, it's the first day of school.
So many new things to learn and do
I'm so excited, but nervous too
But it will be okay on my first day of school
Do you have your backpack?
Yes I do!
Do you have your shoes?
Yes I do!
Do you have your lunch?
Yes I do!
Do you have your teddy?
Yes I do! 

Today is the day, it's the first day of school.
So many new things to learn and do
I'm so excited, but nervous too
But it will be okay on my first day of school

Will you greet your teacher?

Yes I will!

Will you make new friends?

Yes I will!

Will you play some games?

Yes I will!

Will you learn new things?

Yes I will!

Today is the day, it's the first day of school.
So many new things to learn and do
I'm so excited, but nervous too
But it will be okay on my first day of school.
Are you excited?
Yes I am!
Are you nervous?
Yes I am!
Are you smiling?
Yes I am!
Are you ready?
Yes I am!

Today is the day, it's the first day of school.
So many new things to learn and do
I'm so excited, but nervous too
But it will be okay on my first day of school.

Did you find your cubby?

Yes I did!

Did you hang your backpack?

Yes I did!

Did you give a hug?

Yes I did!

Did you say goodbye?

Yes I did!

Humpty Dumpty
The color song (Popsicles) 
Thank you song
Sorry, Excuse me
Wheels on the bus
Winter song
Baa baa black sheep
The duck hide and seek song
Three little pig
The hiccup song
Are you sleeping (Brother John)?

아이들이 좋아하는 노래들로 구성된 유투브 사이트~ 
노래도 좋지만 아기들이랑 비슷한 아기가 나오는 동영상을 아이들이 참 좋아한답니다. 


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