'교육자료' 카테고리의 글 목록
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아이들 책 (Children's book) : I want a dog written by Jon Agee - Voca: Porcupine(호저), Weasel(족제비), Armadilo(아르마딜로), python(비단뱀), wombat(웜뱃), albatross(알바트로스), baboon(개코 원숭이), Anteater(개미핥기) I want a dog! Happydale Animal Shelter에는 많은 동물들이 있습니다. 하지만 개는 없어요... 만약 당신이 원하는 애완동물이 오로지 개라면 어떤 일이 생길까요?? 솔직히 이런 첫 문장을 보며.. 피식 웃었다. 애완동물 가게에 왜 강아지가 없어? 없으면 다른데 가면 되지... 등등 처음부터 이해가 되지 않았지만, 자세히 보니 아.... 이거 애완동물 샵이 아니구나... 그제서야 가게의 이름을 다시한번 보게 되었다. 가게 이름이 Pet Shop 이 아니라 Animal Shelter... 동물들을 상품이 아닌 보호하고 쉴수 있게 해주는 곳. 우리나라의 애완동물 샵들을 상상하며 나도 모르게 전시장에 진열된 많은 아기 강아지들과 고양이들을 생각했었는데.... 캐나다에 와서는 그러고 보.. 더보기
Remembrance day Poppy activity for toddlers November 11 is Canada's remembrance day and Canadians wear Poppy on their left chest. My Toddlers watched a story about Remembrance day and saw people wear a poppy until the day. Teachers chose poppy printable templates for making toddler's own poppies and prepared various brushes and red paints. Children were excited to use various brushes and paints. Teachers prepared smocks for protecting the.. 더보기
Thanksgiving day activity for toddlers - Making Turkey with various materials Turkey is very familiar in Thanksgiving day. My toddlers are interested in making turkey. Teachers prepared brown paper envelops, various color feathers, and papers for making turkey's face. Teachers explained how to make the turkey and supplied them all the materials. Children tried to put eyes and beaks in the brown paper envelops. They used their fingers even though it was not easy to put as .. 더보기
Remembrance coloring for Toddlers - Coloring Poppy Remembrance day activity - Coloring poppy!Before coloring, we shared the story about remembrance day and poppy. They will understand as times go by even though they do not understand the story now. ^^ Teachers supplied Crayons and printed papers. in this time, teachers prepared sample paper so that they can use RED color on the poppy pictures. Fortunately children wanted to have RED even though .. 더보기
Sensory activity for Toddler Sensory activity for Toddler aged 24 to 36 monthsPreparation : Brown paper that can cover a table, Table, Table cover, Shaving cream, Brushes, paints, Sponge brushes, smocks Teachers prepared materials for the activity and set up on the table. Children were excited to do the activity, so one teacher did a circle time until it is ready. Children love to play with sensory materials such as shaving.. 더보기
교과교재 - 토들러 Sensory Board Sensory Board in the Toddler room 토들러들과 함께 하다보면 '아..아 나이의 아이들에게 필요한 것이 무엇일까?'를 매일같이 고민하게 됩니다. 손바닥 찍기와 같은 아트는 인펀트 아이들에게도 충분하고, 토들러들은 이제 자신의 몸으로 스스로 원하는 것을 할 수 있어야 한다고 생각하기 때문에 손도장 발도장 찍기는 좀 그만 하고 싶더군요. 그렇다고 모든 아이들이 구강기를 지나는 시기라고 볼 수도 없기 때문에 작고 입에 넣기 쉬운 재료들을 제공하는 것도 위험한 시기입니다. 그래서 손조작과 감정발달을 위해 센소리 보드를 만들어 보았습니다. 색감과 촉감 그리고 청각을 자극지켜 줄 수 있는 센소리 보드입니다. 알록달록 색상과 여러가지 촉감을 자극할 수 있는 재료를 사용했습니다. 셀로판지를 이용.. 더보기
Canada - Emergent program- Toddlers - Exploring colors Exploring rainbow colors In the morning, some children were playing with various colored fruit flash cards on the board. There were Red, Orange, Blue and Green colors and it was a good time to learn about colors. I showed several short movies and songs about colors and prepared a table cover, smocks, various color paints and long construction paper. After watching movies, I showed them the color.. 더보기
영어동요 & 가사 - First day of school 참조 : 유투브 https://youtu.be/E2v6ofSmfW4 노래 리스트>> 1. First day of School Today is the day, it's the first day of school.So many new things to learn and doI'm so excited, but nervous tooBut it will be okay on my first day of schoolDo you have your backpack?Yes I do!Do you have your shoes?Yes I do!Do you have your lunch?Yes I do!Do you have your teddy?Yes I do! Today is the day, it's the first day of.. 더보기
