'painting'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2019.11.09 | Remembrance day Poppy activity for toddlers
  2. 2019.11.05 | Sensory activity for Toddler

Remembrance day Poppy activity for toddlers

교육자료 | 2019. 11. 9. 02:24
Posted by Brilliant Kids


November 11 is Canada's remembrance day and Canadians wear Poppy on their left chest. My Toddlers watched a story about Remembrance day and saw people wear a poppy until the day. Teachers chose poppy printable templates for making toddler's own poppies and prepared various brushes and red paints. 

Children were excited to use various brushes and paints. Teachers prepared smocks for protecting their clothes. 

Children saw the poppy before and they knew how to paint the flower. They used the sponge brush very carefully. 

Some children used their fingers instead of brushes. >.<

They used their own small painting jars and it was easy to handle using paints. 

and we made the poppies!! 

In this activity, the children can develop their fine motor skill as they have to use their hands and fingers. 


Sensory activity for Toddler

교육자료 | 2019. 11. 5. 08:30
Posted by Brilliant Kids


Sensory activity for Toddler aged 24 to 36 months

Preparation : Brown paper that can cover a table, Table, Table cover, Shaving cream, Brushes, paints, Sponge brushes, smocks

Teachers prepared materials for the activity and set up on the table. Children were excited to do the activity, so one teacher did a circle time until it is ready. Children love to play with sensory materials such as shaving cream, sand, water, beans, rice and so on. The materials are so messy and the children love the messy things. 

Children need to wear their smocks for protecting their clothes as they brush on their body sometimes. ^^ 

Teachers explain how they can play, how they have to handle the materials. (Do not put the shaving cream in your mouth, Use the brushes on the paper... )  Children who aged from 24 months and 36 months understand what the teachers say, so it is very effective to explain before they do any activity. 


Teachers made alphabet shapes with shaving cream and ask children to touch shaving cream with their hands and sponge brushes. Children observed the shaving cream for a while and some children tried to touch with sponge brushes and some used their fingers. Their movements were very cautious the first time. But very soon, they knew that it is soft, cool and sticky and they started touching shaving cream in earnest.

One child brought a toy and painted the toys with shaving cream and some children followed the child. Some children brought toy cars and made tire marks on the shaving cream. Children fully got involved in the activity, and they made their own play there. 

A child brought a toy train and painted shaving cream on top of the toy train. She said "Snow on the train!" Looked the train was covered with snow. ^^

Teachers made lines on the paper with color paints and some children tried to trace the lines. They also mixed colors by using their brushes. 

"It's sticky!" A child touched shaving cream and moved fingers with sticky feeling. 

Children love sensory materials. They can extend their idea with immaterial materials as they touch, mix and add other materials. It is worthy to provide those activities for stimulating their sense even though it is huge work. >.<


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Brilliant Kids

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