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Remembrance coloring for Toddlers - Coloring Poppy

by Brilliant Kids 2019. 11. 7.

Remembrance day activity - Coloring poppy!

Before coloring, we shared the story about remembrance day and poppy. They will understand as times go by even though they do not understand the story now. ^^

Teachers supplied Crayons and printed papers. in this time, teachers prepared sample paper so that they can use RED color on the poppy pictures. Fortunately children wanted to have RED even though some children still requested "Pink", "Purple". 

Teachers supply children the story about Poppy first. Children have paper printed poppy and show sample paper that already colored poppy in red.

Children concentrate to do coloring.

A child showed her colored poppy paper with big pride.

This boy wants to take a photo before completing coloring. He got the pose after coloring half. 

Display zone of children's work

Source : pinterest

Source : pinterest
