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Developmental plan

by Brilliant Kids 2019. 3. 11.

Ickity Chickity Bumble Bee

Bubble Gum Stew


Loris Malaguzzi - "I believe there is no possibility of existing without relationship. Relationship is a necessity of life."

Learning objectives

* 2.5~6세 아이들의 다양한 교육환경에 맞는 창의적인 활동 개발

* 아이들을 위한 창의적인 접근법

* 모든 관계에 영향을 미치는 긍정적인 태도의 중요성

* 알맞은 창작활동의 선택

* 아이들의 호기심의 가치

The little boy by helen buckley

Learning is social

During the early years, children learn through active engagement, activity, observations, experimentation and social interactions with others.

Children learn best when they play, explore the world and interact with adults and peers. Their explorations require flexibility and inventiveness.

(ELECT, 2007)



Developmental plan >>



 Age Group


 Topic / Interest





 Social           Emotional           Communication           cognitive              Physical

 Targeted skill


 Curriculum Model


 Experience area


 Materials required


 Process / Procedure 

   - Setup

   - implementation

   - modifications to meet any unique needs

   - conclusion

   - tidy up


ELECT Reference
ELKP Reference

How does learning happen?



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유아 두뇌 개발  (0) 2019.03.11
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